Explainable Graphs for Legal Judgement Prediction

Ambreesh Parthasarathy , Bavish Kulur , Shubham Kashyapi , Yogesh Tripathi , Dr. Gokul Krishnan , Dr. Balaraman Ravindran


Problem Statement- Given the facts / description of a case, predict the legal articles violated in the given case. [Dataset- ECtHR (European Court of Human Rights)]

Ongoing Work:

  1. Heterogeneous Graphs Existing LJP techniques use a single embedding for large case documents [Chalkidis et al. (2019)]. Compute fine-grained embeddings with different kinds of nodes- facts, cases, articles

  2. Summarization Query LLMs to summarize an entire case or parts of it. Could learn better case embeddings and improve the performance of the GNN models.


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